Monday, April 14, 2014


My dream job is an English Professor at Oxford University
82,000 a year.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


$300 clothes
$50 gas
$20 for everyone to get five guys
$30 nintendo 3ds game
$40 mcdonald's/hardees expenses
$60 ps4 game

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

black civil rights activist
involved in efforts to overturn seg in uni of Mississippi
field secretary of Ntional association for advancement of colored people
helped organize boycotts


Obama is trying to acquire equal pay among men and women. he has pushed for two executive actions. He is calling it "equal pay day" to promote the equal pay for women.

Monday, April 7, 2014

naturalization self test

92% pass

notes on discrim

heterogenous-mix of different things
society-composed of different people or cultures
immigrant- a legal citizen from a different country
reservation-public land given to the native americans by us government
refugee-a person who moves to another country for their protection
assimilation-adapting to the majority's life style or culture
us population is prominently white, african, hispanic, and asian have grown most
more females than males
african americans have suffered longest
african americans are 14% of population
Native Americans were originally 1 million, we cut them down to 250,000
today they are 6 million'

hispanics are the largest majority, 50 million
4 subgroups, mexican americans, puerto ricans, cubans, and central and south americans
asian americans-chinese laborers were first asians to come to america
1850-60s often faced violence
chinese exclusion act of 1882-80 years
ww2- all japanese were evacuated to pacific coast even natives
congress-changed their ways

civil rights cant change morality by passing a law
Dr. King "judicial dexrees... may not change the heart, bu can restrain the heartless"
1870-1950s - no meaningful legislation passed for civil rights
civil rights act of 1964:longest debate in senate history, 83 days
Civil rights acts of 1968-aka "open housing act"-cannpt refuse selling/rent living space to a person due to race, religion, national origin, physical disability, etc. Housing is still one of the most segregated areas in American life today
Title IX: forbids discrimination on the basis of gender in any educational program or program regarding financial assistance equal funding and opportunities must be given to woman athletes

requires employers take positive steps to fix the effects of past discrimination
employers must meet quotas for minority groups/genders

many argue this results in reverse discrimination: discrimination against the majority group; they are denied opportunities so minority groups more opportunities
"color blind"
California, Washington, Michigan, and Nebraska voters passed measures to eliminate all affirmative action plans
The bakke case:
allan bakke sued the uni of cal b/c he was denied access to their medical school due to affirmative action (16/100 seats were reserved for minority students)
since then, the court has made decisions regarding similar cases, quotas can be used when needed
Justice Sandra Day O'connor predicts in 25 years, the use of racial pref will no longer be necessary

an american citizen=person swears allegiance to us and entitled to protection and priveleges of its laws
beefore 1860s citizenship was not important to pepople living in us, immigration all time high
14th amendment was the first constitutional definition-
          -"all persons born or naturalized in the us and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the us and of the state wherein they reside"
constitution declares that a person becomes an american citizen one of two ways: by birth or naturalization
90% of americans are citizens by birth
naturalization is the legal process by which person becomes citizen, CONGRESS HAS EXCLUSIVE power to provide naturalization
normally naturalization is individual, collective naturalization is entire groups are granted citizenship through a treaty or act
loss of citizenship- every citizen has the right to voluntarily abandon citizenship, called expatriation
congress cannot take away citizenship, even if you are involved in another country's affairs.
naturalized citizens can lose their citizenship through denaturalization, only occurs by a court order because of fraud or deception
marriage does not make a person a citizen, only shortens time of the naturalization process

congress has the exclusive power to regulate the crossing of this nation's borders: inward and outward
quotas for immigration began to exist: limits to the number of people allowed from each country/territory
immigration act of 1965 did away with the quota system- up to 270,000 immigrants are allowed into the us each year-preference given to immediate family of current american citizens

immigration act of 1990 governs the admission of aliens into the us, this act now allowed 675000 immigrants into the us each year, special preferences still given to immediate family members of american citizens and those with occupational talents are also given special preference

some people are denied entrance based on their characteristics: criminals, mentally ill who might be a harm to others, etc.
deportation is the legal process by which aliens are required to leave the country. alien does not distinguish between legal and illegal.
biggest reasons for deportation are illegal immigrant and conviction of a serious crime


1.BASIC English test
2.American Government/History Test
3.American ideology quiz