Thursday, April 3, 2014

Picture Project

What is happening in this picture? 
These Latin Americans are on their way to a job at Home Depot. They are being discriminated against because that is the stereotypical place for them to work. The one man is even hiding his face from the camera. The camera man is discriminating against them and making fun of them.

What's going on in America during this time?
America has stereotyped Latin Americans into being illegal immigrants, even when many are not. They are grouped together as a bunch of lazy border jumpers. The camera man is clearly trying to make a joke out of the fact that they are Latino and on their way to work at Home Depot.

What do the people's faces reflect?
They are dissatisfied with the camera man as they are just trying to get to their job.

Give an example of how this might happen today.
Although this is relatively recent, racism towards latin americans has died down as the millennial decade has come to an end. That doesn't stop this sort of thing from happening on a regular occasion, though. Each day people see Latin Americans doing their job and immediately begin to make judgments about their work ethic or their legitimacy as a United States Citizen.

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