Monday, September 30, 2013


All of these links that we were provided deal with things that involve the whole country. The entire country is affected by these things. Whether it be a bombing or the government shutting down, it affects all of America. All of these things are coming from the 90s.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


This is an issue that's been brought up quite often over the past decade or so, and I'm most certainly on the side that says violent videogames are not the issue. In each situation it's always shown that a deeper problem is possible. I don't in any way believe that videogames cause people to do harmful things. Whether or not they desensitize people to violence is another matter.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


1. The school system claims that they are doing it for the students' safety.

2. Eh, if they're just monitoring the things that they post publicly and making sure nothing of harm is going on, I don't see a problem in it.

3. I would probably criticize them for spending their money in this area when it is clearly needed for extracurricular activities instead.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


1. America is filled with amazing amounts of stupidity and it's important to ignore all of the ignorance in the world.

2. I'd say probably. Everyone is pretty equal.

Monday, September 16, 2013


One thousand, three hundred fortnights ago, there was a bombing where some girls died. Lately, a bunch of girls found a bomb in a church and everyone was saved. Obama awarded the girls with medals and everyone was happy.

Friday, September 13, 2013


1. The significance is to show american people that terrorism is failing in many different places, but to prove that it is still an issue.

2. The answer to that question depends on your social class, political standpoint, and opinion on war in general.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

9/11 personal accounts review

- George Bush speaks in this article very briefly, shortly after the planes crashed into the Twin Tower, about the tragedy and what he's doing as far as relief efforts. This was a very brief speech, as you can see it only lasted one minute. I really feel like he was a strong leader at this point in what he said and his severity in what he said. He obviously meant what he said here because we've had this War on Terrorism going on for the past twelve years.

-The video was very emotionally striking. It brought it to a much more personal level where you felt the pain of the victim and all involved. It makes the holiday seem much more worth it.

Accounts such as this are much less important than one of a person in authority or someone who was in the situation that was occuring at the world trade center. Accounts like this hit on a personal level, but they do not leave as much as a personal impact on someone as a report written by someone who was in the towers. It does, however, give a good idea to what it was like to live in the city of Manhattan at the time of the attacks.


1. I think that it will not change their point of view at all. The decrease in layoffs means harder hiring for the unemployed; however, the economy seems to be getting a little better which is good news.

2. It's hard to tell whether or not the economy is improving. From what they are saying, it seems as though it is, but it may be that they're really just trying quick fixes to a larger problem.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


This article takes a really unbiased response on privacy versus security, and with it I can very well agree. There is too much control that the government has over our private lives. There must be security in place to trust the government; however, we cannot give the government the tools that they would need to have complete control over the people. Unfortunately, I think that is where we currently are, and I think that the abilities of the government to "snoop" should be toned down.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


1. I don't think that they should raise the prices of the dollar menu at all. Mostly because the dollar menu would have to have its name changed to the multiple dollars menu. That just isn't as catchy if you ask me.

2. They really should raise the wages of McDonald's. They should especially raise them if they plan on raising the dollars that require consumption of dollar menu foods. That really doesn't make much sense. In all seriousness though, Mcdonald's wages are too little for somebody to live off of, even at a full-time rate.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


1. A person should pursue whatever degree or subject that they are interested in furthering their knowledge, rather than go for something simply because it pays more or is a growing field?

2. I'd like to see some data on which students are happier after college: those that chase a degree for financial gain or those that choose to grow in knowledge on a subject that they are passionate about.

3. This article doesn't affect anything that I thought beforehand.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


1. This is most definitely a huge invasion of our privacy. We trust facebook to keep many private things about our lives, the private messages between close ones, specifically. The fact that the government just sweeps in Facebook's backdoor to collect what we doubt our closest of loved ones with is absolutely a betrayal on our trust with the government and Facebook.
2. Yes, unfortunately it does. Through different wordings they make this seem like it is of no big deal. I have read some of it, but not all.
3. I would like to say that it is. This information is not Facebook's to give away. Facebook is simply a hub to keep our secrets. It is a cheap trick that Facebook uses smoke and mirrors on to avoid any public outrage.