Thursday, September 12, 2013

9/11 personal accounts review

- George Bush speaks in this article very briefly, shortly after the planes crashed into the Twin Tower, about the tragedy and what he's doing as far as relief efforts. This was a very brief speech, as you can see it only lasted one minute. I really feel like he was a strong leader at this point in what he said and his severity in what he said. He obviously meant what he said here because we've had this War on Terrorism going on for the past twelve years.

-The video was very emotionally striking. It brought it to a much more personal level where you felt the pain of the victim and all involved. It makes the holiday seem much more worth it.

Accounts such as this are much less important than one of a person in authority or someone who was in the situation that was occuring at the world trade center. Accounts like this hit on a personal level, but they do not leave as much as a personal impact on someone as a report written by someone who was in the towers. It does, however, give a good idea to what it was like to live in the city of Manhattan at the time of the attacks.

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