Thursday, February 27, 2014


1. No, I don't think that they are employees at all. They are students.

2. They already get scholarships and sponsorships. I don't think so.

Monday, February 10, 2014


1. State motto is "Union, Justice, and Confidence"

2. Nickname is Sportsman's paradise.

3. Major industries include agriculture, salt production, oil and natural gas, and fishing (especially shellfish)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Yes, I would say so. There is no need to be spending food stamps on junk food and stuff bad for you.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


1. I think that the recent boost in revenue in Colorado from the legalization of marijuana is a great way to make money. It's shown to have almost no consequences of its legalization and simply taxing it at 100% would most certainly put some money on the table. On top of that, we could always create war bonds.

2. I think that we could easily create an all-volunteer force. Our school hates them enough anyways, they'd be happy to go to war with them.

3. I think that since we are staying in the United States, instead of mail we should just manage a partnership with U.S. cellular so that all soldiers receive a free new phone, a buy out from their previous contract, and a reduced price on their contract.

4. I say that we make a deal with Buchannon. We aren't losing anything, we're gaining a little bit of land from Taylor County.