Tuesday, February 4, 2014


1. I think that the recent boost in revenue in Colorado from the legalization of marijuana is a great way to make money. It's shown to have almost no consequences of its legalization and simply taxing it at 100% would most certainly put some money on the table. On top of that, we could always create war bonds.

2. I think that we could easily create an all-volunteer force. Our school hates them enough anyways, they'd be happy to go to war with them.

3. I think that since we are staying in the United States, instead of mail we should just manage a partnership with U.S. cellular so that all soldiers receive a free new phone, a buy out from their previous contract, and a reduced price on their contract.

4. I say that we make a deal with Buchannon. We aren't losing anything, we're gaining a little bit of land from Taylor County.

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