Thursday, October 31, 2013


1. Well obviously, it's too harsh it's for a bunch of little kids and it isn't exactly her business.

2. Well yeah, she can do whatever she wants. The kids don't have to go to her house.

10-30-13 assignment

  1. Schools and Guns
    The main message here is that no matter what school or how the school may seem, it is not safe no matter what and that there has been so many gun shootings in schools. 
    Symbol- The gun in the book is symbolizing a school shooting.
  2. Obamacare Disaster
    The main message is showing that Obamacare is a mess and should be defunded.
    Symbol- The flat tires symbolizes the flat belief  and no one supports Obamacare.
  3. Redskins Name Consequence
    The main message it is showing is that changing the name of the Redskins is a bad idea.
    Labeling- The label in the waiting rooms shows how many people are waiting to complain. 
  4. Meanwhile
    This cartoons main message is showing that Iran is going to bomb Syria and distracting them with Miley Cyrus.
    Labeling- Iran on the man's coat.
  5. Spies Like Us
         The overall message was that people are shocked when learning that Americans were spying on them throughout time. They feel like no matter what anyone does some one is always watching and they believe that there is something that you should be able to do about that.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


1. The youth is more liberal and they are turning Virginia Blue.

2. Yes, this is due to the internet and a younger activism in politics. Kids are generally more open minded to things because they are exposed to it, and so they are naturally more liberal.

3. It might cause a shift in all representatives to the left.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

10-29-13 assignment

1. -Why add in the boulder fiasco?
-Why does that man's shirt say don't tread on me?
-Why is it significant that a man with a shirt that says voters is arresting them?
-How does this relate to the people who were arrested for the boulder tipping?
-Why is the boulder a capitol building?

2. -Naturally look at the cartoon, the artist knows what to draw your eyes to. Take it all in.
-follow interaction by observing primary focus of the cartoon: What's going on?
-Think of the audience of the cartoon: who was this directed at?
-Think of the context, when did this occur? What could it be referring to?
-Pay attention to well-known images or symbols.
-Don't leave out minor details that could contribute to humor of the overall cartoon.

3. Cartoonists use Analogy, Labeling, Exaggeration, Irony, and Symbolism to create a political cartoon. The whole cartoon is an analogy to an event, something is usually labeled in the cartoon (not always) to better show what it's referring to, exaggeration is used to persuade the audience that something really bad is occurring, Irony is used to create a feeling of humor and lightheartedness to the piece so that many can enjoy it, and symbolism is used to keep the cartoon subtle and to add a cleverness to the cartoon.


1. Yes, the fat test is legal. It measures how much body fat you have and if you are fit enough to qualify.

2. Weight isn't the only thing that contributes, no.

3. I'd change it to a body fat percentage test.

Monday, October 28, 2013


1. This article isn't correct because the southerners were still American citizens.
2. No
3. There is still an issue because people believe it stands a a racist sign against black people rather than against their country.

Friday, October 25, 2013


1. Economic Left/Right: -4.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.56

2. Liberal Democrat

3. Based on your responses, YOU are a… Solid Liberal

Along with 14% of the public

Social Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal

Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Fiscal Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal

Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal

Defense and Crime: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal

Your PERSONAL issues Score is 80%

Your ECONOMICS issues Score is 30%

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Assignment 10-22

Origins (to 1800)
Antifederalists: 1.Opposed the ratification of the Constitution.
2.They believed that the Constitution would lead the United States of America to corruption.
Federlaists: 1. They supported the ratification of the Constitution.
2. Supporters of the Federalists believed the Constitution was required in order to safeguard the liberty and independence that the American people had received as a result of the American Revolution.

Democrats: 1. Voting rights for all white males, a huge increase in the number of elected fofices aroudn the country, and the spread of the spoils system.
2. Small farmers, debtors, frontier pioneers, and slaveholders.

Whigs:1. Opposed to the tenets of Jacksonian democracy and strongly supported a high tarriff.
2. Bankers, merchants, and industrialists.

Democrats:1. Opposed sectionalism and helped pushed the nation's party politics back toward the economic arena.
2. Businesses

Republicans: 1. Rights for African Americans
2. Farmers, laborers, and newly freed African Americans.

Democrats:1. Restoring the nation's economic and social life.
2. Southerners, farmers, and big-city political organizations.

Republicans: 1. Restoring the nation's economic and social life.
2. Northerners and manufacturers.


1. I don't know I think that he might have some sort of chance if he has a really good lawyer.

2. Probably not. It really isn't destruction, it's just some cool rocks. If it didn't take much to topple it, I don't think that a punishment should happen.

Monday, October 21, 2013


1. We become connected to it and we get into the habit of relying on it for so many things.

2. No I would probably die if it wasn't for my cell phone and computer.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Detain without Charge or Search without Probable Cause

In this day and age, privacy and safety are subjects that are on everyone's minds. With much debate going on about which is more important, the question must be asked: How far can the federal government go into our private lives? Currently, officers of the law must have probable cause before they detain or search your person or possessions. Some argue that the government knows what iot's doing and should be able to do it without probable cause. Others rebuttal with an opinion of probable cause not being a good enough reason in the first place. Before addressing the problem at hand, it's good to take in and consider what each side has to offer.

The government has made a vow to protect its people. It could be said that it should do anything in order to protect them, correct? The programs that they have put into place watch over all of us and keep track of absolutely everything that everyone does. This, while extreme, is something that will keep people safe and be constantly on the lookout for terrorism or unsafe activities. The problem that we reach with all of this, is "who watches the watchers?"

That's where the other argument comes in. Although the amount of safety that keeping record of everything brings, it also  calls into question why anyone should have that power. Anyone in that point of power has control of so many things. The problem is not whether or not we trust our government enough in order to have this. The problem is that this should not be a power at all. Nobody should have that power.

The government needs to protect its people, that much is true. The problem that we face is that now that this power is in place, what could we possibly do to stop it? Because of the abilities that the government now possesses, they can silence any attempt to organize a protest against it. It may not be a problem now, but the people of America are allowing the tools of their own destruction to be set into place. It may not be now, or next week, or 5 years from now, but people will come to regret this decision. In the future, they will look back at us and ask, "how could they ever allow for something like this to happen?"

The problem is that people don't want to believe that their government could do such a thing. And maybe it won't. Maybe the government now would never do such an extreme thing. Maybe the next government won't either. But if the people of America sit idly by while the government slowly empowers itself more and more, with technology progressing, how could the future people of America ever stand against them? The government is supposed to be for the people and by the people, so why is it that there are secret laws and secret courts? Why are the people of America kept in the dark on what the government knows about them? Something needs to change, or America's freedom will be a thing of the past.


I think that the biggest problem is that we shouldn't be hiring people that are dangerous to work in an institution with children in it.


1. Now, I say that we just get rid of congress completely and elect new representatives. They let this happen and put hundreds of thousands of people out of work. I don't think that they really care about the country and the people in it enough to run it.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


1. I don't really think that a felony is needed for this. I feel like they don't fully grasp what they are doing, and this is a parental problem. There should be different repercussions, but the girl with no remorse clearly has no concept of the human life. The parents should be punished.

2. A misdemeanor is a much less big deal. A misdemeanor can only go up to about a year.

3. I think parents should learn how to teach their kid not to be an awful person.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Notes on presentations

Margaret Sanger
-Born in 1879
-Best known for her views on women's control of their own bodies

Deganawidah "The Great Peacemaker"
- He was all about Spiritual Healing and junk
- Made peace by starting the Iroquois Confederacy

Andrew Carnegie
-He was a steel tycoon
-Started working for a Railroad Company at 13

Eva Perone
-Born May 7, 1919
-Husband was President and she did woman's rights things.

Harriet Beecher Stowe
-American Abolitionist who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin
-Born 1811 

 Jon Keynes
-Very Socialist; believed the government should give people money
-Suffered from series of heart attacks

Frances Willard
-died at age 58
-woman's rights suffragist. helped move along 19th amendment

Eugene Debs
-born in 1855 in Indiana
-founding member of industrial workers of the world

Betty Williams
-cofounder of Community of Peace people
-won the nobel peace prize in 1976

Emmeline Pankhurst
-born in Manchester
-political activist for the women's suffrage movement.

Helena Rubinstein
-one of the world's richest women
-started helena rubinstein 

Edward Jenner
-born on may 17th 1749
-learned how to cure small pox from experimenting with cow pus

Dolores Huerta
-born in April 10, 1930
-Labor leader and civil rights activist

Rabindranath Tagore
-wrote over 2,500 sketches, songs, drawings, etc.
-died in 1941

Dorothy Hodgkin
-born in 1910
-developed x-ray crystallography


     Basically what is going on is that due to the government shut down, the WWII Memorial is shut down. A lot of people are very unhappy about this and think that it should be opened back up. They protesters say that the people who are being honored at this memorial, should be honored and not "shut down". Why is this different from other protest? Well I think its because this is a political symbol between Republicans and Democrats. 

Friday, October 11, 2013


1. I don't think that it's very fair but it's what they have to do I guess.

2. Grand Canyon. because its really pretty. Yosemite, because I've always wanted to go there. Zion, because it looks interesting.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


1. It shows that congress is certainly not doign what the Americans want and are running the country on their own agenda.

2. I would for once do what is best for the people and step down.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


1. Yes, I definitely think that there should be a limit. I don't like the fact that politicians can be bought and sold in the first place.

2. I guess it sort of goes along with freedom of expression, but contributing endless amounts of money to a person that is changing the country in the way that you want seems slightly not okay.

3. No a person shouldn't be limited at all about how they use their money, the issue is with politicians.

4. It would make the entire Earth go into complete turmoil.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


1. I believe that it should definitely be changed because it isn't politically correct.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Response to Grandson

I was a political activist during the late 20's protests and riots. The people in the government wanted to control and interfere in our everyday lives! It started out as them just trying to protect us, and over the years it became worse and worse. I'll tell you what, sonny, if it wasn't for me, we might be under house arrest and have our schedule planned for us by the police! You wouldn't even get to play with your iphone 31se without asking the sheriff first!


1. I think it just shows that no one really suspects a 9 year old of anything, that's why he easily got on. I don't think it's really a hole in the security, I think it's more of a problem with no one suspecting.

2. No I'm not that surprised, I mean, mistakes happen.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


1. What are the differences between the what has happened today and what will the 17th?

2. How could Congress be so selfish as to let this happen?

3. At what point will this start affecting the average U.S. citizen?