Thursday, October 31, 2013

10-30-13 assignment

  1. Schools and Guns
    The main message here is that no matter what school or how the school may seem, it is not safe no matter what and that there has been so many gun shootings in schools. 
    Symbol- The gun in the book is symbolizing a school shooting.
  2. Obamacare Disaster
    The main message is showing that Obamacare is a mess and should be defunded.
    Symbol- The flat tires symbolizes the flat belief  and no one supports Obamacare.
  3. Redskins Name Consequence
    The main message it is showing is that changing the name of the Redskins is a bad idea.
    Labeling- The label in the waiting rooms shows how many people are waiting to complain. 
  4. Meanwhile
    This cartoons main message is showing that Iran is going to bomb Syria and distracting them with Miley Cyrus.
    Labeling- Iran on the man's coat.
  5. Spies Like Us
         The overall message was that people are shocked when learning that Americans were spying on them throughout time. They feel like no matter what anyone does some one is always watching and they believe that there is something that you should be able to do about that.

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