Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Notes on presentations

Margaret Sanger
-Born in 1879
-Best known for her views on women's control of their own bodies

Deganawidah "The Great Peacemaker"
- He was all about Spiritual Healing and junk
- Made peace by starting the Iroquois Confederacy

Andrew Carnegie
-He was a steel tycoon
-Started working for a Railroad Company at 13

Eva Perone
-Born May 7, 1919
-Husband was President and she did woman's rights things.

Harriet Beecher Stowe
-American Abolitionist who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin
-Born 1811 

 Jon Keynes
-Very Socialist; believed the government should give people money
-Suffered from series of heart attacks

Frances Willard
-died at age 58
-woman's rights suffragist. helped move along 19th amendment

Eugene Debs
-born in 1855 in Indiana
-founding member of industrial workers of the world

Betty Williams
-cofounder of Community of Peace people
-won the nobel peace prize in 1976

Emmeline Pankhurst
-born in Manchester
-political activist for the women's suffrage movement.

Helena Rubinstein
-one of the world's richest women
-started helena rubinstein 

Edward Jenner
-born on may 17th 1749
-learned how to cure small pox from experimenting with cow pus

Dolores Huerta
-born in April 10, 1930
-Labor leader and civil rights activist

Rabindranath Tagore
-wrote over 2,500 sketches, songs, drawings, etc.
-died in 1941

Dorothy Hodgkin
-born in 1910
-developed x-ray crystallography

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