Tuesday, October 29, 2013

10-29-13 assignment

1. -Why add in the boulder fiasco?
-Why does that man's shirt say don't tread on me?
-Why is it significant that a man with a shirt that says voters is arresting them?
-How does this relate to the people who were arrested for the boulder tipping?
-Why is the boulder a capitol building?

2. -Naturally look at the cartoon, the artist knows what to draw your eyes to. Take it all in.
-follow interaction by observing primary focus of the cartoon: What's going on?
-Think of the audience of the cartoon: who was this directed at?
-Think of the context, when did this occur? What could it be referring to?
-Pay attention to well-known images or symbols.
-Don't leave out minor details that could contribute to humor of the overall cartoon.

3. Cartoonists use Analogy, Labeling, Exaggeration, Irony, and Symbolism to create a political cartoon. The whole cartoon is an analogy to an event, something is usually labeled in the cartoon (not always) to better show what it's referring to, exaggeration is used to persuade the audience that something really bad is occurring, Irony is used to create a feeling of humor and lightheartedness to the piece so that many can enjoy it, and symbolism is used to keep the cartoon subtle and to add a cleverness to the cartoon.

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