Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Assignment 10-22

Origins (to 1800)
Antifederalists: 1.Opposed the ratification of the Constitution.
2.They believed that the Constitution would lead the United States of America to corruption.
Federlaists: 1. They supported the ratification of the Constitution.
2. Supporters of the Federalists believed the Constitution was required in order to safeguard the liberty and independence that the American people had received as a result of the American Revolution.

Democrats: 1. Voting rights for all white males, a huge increase in the number of elected fofices aroudn the country, and the spread of the spoils system.
2. Small farmers, debtors, frontier pioneers, and slaveholders.

Whigs:1. Opposed to the tenets of Jacksonian democracy and strongly supported a high tarriff.
2. Bankers, merchants, and industrialists.

Democrats:1. Opposed sectionalism and helped pushed the nation's party politics back toward the economic arena.
2. Businesses

Republicans: 1. Rights for African Americans
2. Farmers, laborers, and newly freed African Americans.

Democrats:1. Restoring the nation's economic and social life.
2. Southerners, farmers, and big-city political organizations.

Republicans: 1. Restoring the nation's economic and social life.
2. Northerners and manufacturers.

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