Monday, March 31, 2014


To put things into perspective, the human condition can be described as being composed of three general emotions: lust, envy, and greed. When some of these natural instincts are combined, they produce a natural hatred and slanderous feeling towards one another, simply out of ignorance of the situation or preference of personal gain over character. This is just the case when it comes to something as ancient yet currently prevalent as racism. Although it is easy to say that it has improved over time through the strife of heroes alike Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, and Malcom X, the nature will continue to persist in the human instinct in another way, shape, or form. Whether it's racism, gender bias, or some other form of bigotry, people will never quit being the scum that we cannot help but be.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Notes for 3/27/14

Military court must have 2/3 majority insetad of unanimous
court of appeals has the jury made up by civilians
Military commissions were created by G.W. Bush in 2001.
these courts try suspected terrorists
in 2006 the supreme court ruled military commissions improperly established
Obama recently closed Guantanamo Bay

Court of federal claims, the US can only be taken to court with its permission

D.C. courts is the judicial system for nation's capital
congress has established two state like courts: a superior court and a lower court

United States Tax court is independent in the legislative court


I would have to say that I'm not well-versed enough in this area to accurately answer this question. The current situation seems to work out well. I can't say that it would be much better if the judges in the supreme court were elected by the general public. I do not think that it would turn out quite as well, even though that may seem like the more democratic thing to do.

Monday, March 24, 2014


There was an Ebola outbreak in Guinea, killed 59 people. Experts were unable to identify it at first.
UNICEF has put supplies in place and positioned themselves to combat this. They're isolating people and urging people to stay calm and stay sanitary.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Supreme Court Cases

1. Religion- 

  • Pleasant Grove City v. Summum
    • A municipality that allows a privately donated Ten Commandments monument to be displayed on public property need not permit the religion of Summum to put up its own statue of similar size.

2. Minority-

  • League of United Latin American Citizens v. Perry
    • Texas's 2003 redistricting of District 23 constituted a violation of Latinos' rights under the Voting Rights Act of 1965; mid-decade redistricting is constitutional as long as it is not solely motivated by partisan gain

3. School system- 

  • Davenport v. Washington Education Association
    • A state may require that its public-sector unions receive authorization from nonmembers before spending their agency fees for election-related purposes


I believe in judicial activism. The original intent of the constitution cannot be applied to things that were completely out of comprehension before (such as the internet).

Lecture notes Section 2

Inferior Courts:
created to function beneath supreme court
Disctrict courts: 677 judges handle more than 350,000 cases per year- 80% of federal caseload.
              94 district courts
secret courts
              two little known about multi-judge panels that play a key role in ongoing effects to combat terrorism in the U.S. and abroad
              FISA meet in secret and are entitled to secret search warrants
              alien terrorist remove court decide whether those identified as alien terrorists by us attorney general should be expelled from the country

district courts do not hear cases within original jurisdiction of supreme court, both criminal and civil, criminal case the us is always the prosecutor. in a civil ase the us can either be the plaintiff or the defendant

most decisions in fed district courts are final, cases start and end there. few of the cases go higher

Courts of appeals were created by congress to relieve supreme court of hearing all appealed cases
each court has 6-28 judges and 1 supreme court justice assigned to each district
normally 3 judge panels
most cases come from within the court of appeals district

court of international trade, a federal trial court-only tries civil cases that arise out of the nation's customs and other trade related laws. 9 judges-chief justice appointed by the president and the senate

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


What is your opinion of Flight 370's disappearance? Is this an issue that should concern America?

I think that they may have flown into a warp gate and been transported to an alternate reality.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


1.Ukraine revolted against its government, some of the population sided with Russia. Russia wanted to keep control over Ukraine, and so they stepped in and took over Crimea.


Friday, March 14, 2014

Ad campaign

  1. Who is the ad targeting?
  2. Does it send a positive or negative message?
  3. Do you think the ad is effective at delivering its message?
  4. How is the ad different that it would be portrayed in 2014?
  5. Would your vote be affected by the campaign ad?
1. John McCain
2. Negative 
3. yes 
4. the same, I wouldn't want someone dumb running our country.
5. It might cause me to look into each person more.
1. Nixon
2. Negative and Positive
3. not quite
4. it wouldn't be so vague
5. no.

Law and Order Democrat 
1. Humphrey
2. Positive
3. yes
4. it would be negative in 2014 
5. no. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


1. They thought that it wasn't an emergency situation.

2. I think that it might have been a government operation. Some agency wanted control of that plane for some reason.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


1. Yes. Most definitely. pharma companies don't care about the people at all.

2. I'm not sure. This is a gray area from me. From what I've learned, I'd say yes, but that goes into universal healthcare which I support.

Monday, March 10, 2014


Who is the ad targeting?

Does it send a positive or negative message?

Do you think the ad is effective at delivering its message?

How is ad different that it would be portrayed in 2014?

Would your vote be affected by the campaign ad?

Friday, March 7, 2014


which example of the check on congressional power to set their paychecks is this?

they weren't doing their jobs, that's why they weren't being checked.

Would you sign this petition why or why not?

yes, because they already get a ton of money, and taxpayers are pAYING THEM TO SIT AROUND AND DO NOTHING.


does this story show a breach in first amendment rights?

yes, it isn't defamation at all, it is expressing an opinion

what can your congressmen do about this?

add a clause to the law about defamation of character excluding reviews or critique of an establishment or service.

2-7-14 make a law about anything

I would make a law requiring every member of congress to pass a series of tests on current issues and technological standards.


I am going to cut some military funding

Then I'm going to throw some of that funding towards education instead.

It's a pretty good investment.

Notes on presentations

1. The vice president replaces the president if he dies.
2.This was done by the 25th amendment.
3.25th amendment was written was written in 1967.
4. Presidential act of 1947 was a law telling who would become president succeeding the vice president.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

3-6-14, 3-7-14 lecture notes

  • If the president is unable to act as president, he is discharged and the vp takes over. When he can do it again, he writes a letter to congress saying that he can again and they approve it.
  • the vice president is the pres in waiting: he presides over the senate.
  • VP is used to balance the ticket in pres elections
  • VP is only office that cant be fired by the president
  • if VP dies/resigns, the president may appoint A NEW vp
  • first used with nixon, the VP resignation
    • electors chosen in each state by the manner of the state's choosing
    • same number of senators and house of reps
    • originally cast 2 electoral votes
  • ELECTION OF 1800
    • first tie for presidential election
    • aaron burr and thomas jefferson each got 73 votes
    • the matter was sent to the house which eventually chose thomas jefferson as president
  • 12th AMENDMENT
    • now two elections, one for president, one for vice president
    • introduce candidates
    • adopt platform
    • stir up popular support
    • allowed people's opinion, before you had to get in with the influential boss of party
    • two different types
      • delegate selection
      • candidate preference
    • closed meeting of a political part which gather to select delegates to the national convention
    • day 2 adopt platform keynote address, day 3 select or affirm choice for vp candidate day 4 select and affirm pres candidate

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Real Lecture Notes

  • Executive Branch
    • President
    • VP
    • His cabinet
  • Roles of Pres
    • Chief
      • ceremonial head of gov
    • Chief executive
      • has both domestically and abroad
    • Chief Admin
      • manager of exec branch
    • chief diplomat
    • commander in chief
      • head of military
    • chief legislator
      • main author of public policy
    • chief policy
  • to be president
    • natural born citizen
    • be at least 35 yrs
    • have lived within the united states for at least 14 years
  • pres term
    • 4 year term
    • originally no limit on the president's term
    • george washington set the precedent
      • refused to seek a third term
    • FDR broke this precedent by seeking and winning 4 straight terms in office
    • 22nd amendment prevents this from happening again
  • presidential pay
    • determined by congress
    • cant be increased or decreased during a presidential term
    • the president may not receive any other pay for work
    • extras
      • mansion
      • air force one
      • personal bodyguard
      • camp david
      • health care

Lecture notes


                              Joey is super cute today.

So amazing.
                           Such beauty

                                           I can't


1Vice President of the United StatesJoe Biden (D)
2Speaker of the HouseJohn Boehner (R)
3President pro tempore of the SenatePatrick Leahy (D)
4Secretary of StateJohn Kerry (D)
5Secretary of the TreasuryJacob Lew (D)
6Secretary of DefenseChuck Hagel (R)
7Attorney GeneralEric Holder (D)
Secretary of the InteriorSally Jewell (D)[a]
8Secretary of AgricultureTom Vilsack (D)
9Secretary of CommercePenny Pritzker (D)
10Secretary of LaborThomas Perez (D)
11Secretary of Health and Human ServicesKathleen Sebelius (D)
12Secretary of Housing and Urban DevelopmentShaun Donovan (D)
13Secretary of TransportationAnthony Foxx (D)
14Secretary of EnergyErnest Moniz (D)
15Secretary of EducationArne Duncan (D)
16Secretary of Veterans AffairsEric Shinseki (I)
17Secretary of Homeland SecurityJeh Johnson (D)