Friday, March 14, 2014

Ad campaign

  1. Who is the ad targeting?
  2. Does it send a positive or negative message?
  3. Do you think the ad is effective at delivering its message?
  4. How is the ad different that it would be portrayed in 2014?
  5. Would your vote be affected by the campaign ad?
1. John McCain
2. Negative 
3. yes 
4. the same, I wouldn't want someone dumb running our country.
5. It might cause me to look into each person more.
1. Nixon
2. Negative and Positive
3. not quite
4. it wouldn't be so vague
5. no.

Law and Order Democrat 
1. Humphrey
2. Positive
3. yes
4. it would be negative in 2014 
5. no. 

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