Thursday, March 6, 2014

3-6-14, 3-7-14 lecture notes

  • If the president is unable to act as president, he is discharged and the vp takes over. When he can do it again, he writes a letter to congress saying that he can again and they approve it.
  • the vice president is the pres in waiting: he presides over the senate.
  • VP is used to balance the ticket in pres elections
  • VP is only office that cant be fired by the president
  • if VP dies/resigns, the president may appoint A NEW vp
  • first used with nixon, the VP resignation
    • electors chosen in each state by the manner of the state's choosing
    • same number of senators and house of reps
    • originally cast 2 electoral votes
  • ELECTION OF 1800
    • first tie for presidential election
    • aaron burr and thomas jefferson each got 73 votes
    • the matter was sent to the house which eventually chose thomas jefferson as president
  • 12th AMENDMENT
    • now two elections, one for president, one for vice president
    • introduce candidates
    • adopt platform
    • stir up popular support
    • allowed people's opinion, before you had to get in with the influential boss of party
    • two different types
      • delegate selection
      • candidate preference
    • closed meeting of a political part which gather to select delegates to the national convention
    • day 2 adopt platform keynote address, day 3 select or affirm choice for vp candidate day 4 select and affirm pres candidate

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