Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Real Lecture Notes

  • Executive Branch
    • President
    • VP
    • His cabinet
  • Roles of Pres
    • Chief
      • ceremonial head of gov
    • Chief executive
      • has both domestically and abroad
    • Chief Admin
      • manager of exec branch
    • chief diplomat
    • commander in chief
      • head of military
    • chief legislator
      • main author of public policy
    • chief policy
  • to be president
    • natural born citizen
    • be at least 35 yrs
    • have lived within the united states for at least 14 years
  • pres term
    • 4 year term
    • originally no limit on the president's term
    • george washington set the precedent
      • refused to seek a third term
    • FDR broke this precedent by seeking and winning 4 straight terms in office
    • 22nd amendment prevents this from happening again
  • presidential pay
    • determined by congress
    • cant be increased or decreased during a presidential term
    • the president may not receive any other pay for work
    • extras
      • mansion
      • air force one
      • personal bodyguard
      • camp david
      • health care

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