Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lecture notes Section 2

Inferior Courts:
created to function beneath supreme court
Disctrict courts: 677 judges handle more than 350,000 cases per year- 80% of federal caseload.
              94 district courts
secret courts
              two little known about multi-judge panels that play a key role in ongoing effects to combat terrorism in the U.S. and abroad
              FISA meet in secret and are entitled to secret search warrants
              alien terrorist remove court decide whether those identified as alien terrorists by us attorney general should be expelled from the country

district courts do not hear cases within original jurisdiction of supreme court, both criminal and civil, criminal case the us is always the prosecutor. in a civil ase the us can either be the plaintiff or the defendant

most decisions in fed district courts are final, cases start and end there. few of the cases go higher

Courts of appeals were created by congress to relieve supreme court of hearing all appealed cases
each court has 6-28 judges and 1 supreme court justice assigned to each district
normally 3 judge panels
most cases come from within the court of appeals district

court of international trade, a federal trial court-only tries civil cases that arise out of the nation's customs and other trade related laws. 9 judges-chief justice appointed by the president and the senate

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